法庭: court; tribunal庭长: the president of a law court ...审判长: presiding judge; chief judge首席法官: chief judge; chief justiciar ...审判长,首席法官。: presiding judge法庭庭长: chief judge of a tribunal; chiefjudgeofatribunal; presidentoflawcourt人民法庭庭长: chief judge, people's tribunals; chief judge, people’ tribunals; chiefjudge,peoplestribunals上诉法庭庭长: chief justice of the count of apeal; president of the court of appeal特别法庭庭长: special court president最高法庭庭长: president of supreme tribunal副首席法官: deputy chief justice首席法官: chief judge; chief justicet; chief of justice法院院长, 巡回法庭庭长, 最高刑事法官: lord justice general经济审判庭庭长: economic division chief judge法庭庭长, 法院院长: president of law court国际法庭庭长会议: bureau of the international tribunal审判长, 庭长, 法院院长: chief judge; chief justice联邦首席法官: chief justice of the federation印度首席法官: chief justice of india英国首席法官: chief justice of england地方法院首席法官: chief magistrate高等法院首席法官: chief judge of the high court郡法院首席法官: custosrotulorum伦敦市首席法官: recorder of london桑给巴尔首席法官: chief justice of zanzibar